The Shumaker Family's Blog

Edward overcame his fear of family

December 1st, 2010

Edouard, or Edward in English, came to our church about two years ago.  After a few weeks of preaching, he came under conviction and got saved by the wonderful grace of God.  His family wasn’t happy with the decision that he made.  They were religious but didn’t like the fact that he changed churches.  We know that is was more than just changing churches or converting to another religion.  He was regenerated and born into the family of God.

His family has given him a hard time through the years.  They have threatened to kick him out of the house on many occasions, but he remained faithful.  Upon seeing his faithfulness we began letting him do some different things at the church.  One day while he was giving announcements the question hit me.  Has he ever been baptized?  We never let people do much until they make the decision to be Biblically baptized.  I asked  him after the service, and he told me that he hadn’t been.  I have no idea how it was overlooked, but it was.

I told him that he needed to be baptized, and he agreed.  He went through the baptism course and then told us he wasn’t ready.  Man was I shocked.  I knew the reason, but he had been faithful through so much.  He was afraid of what his family would say and do.  Maybe they would kick him out of the house.  Maybe they would totally ostracize him.  For months he refused.  We took away what he was doing at church.  We were not mean about it.  We still loved him.  I was afraid that he would get mad and leave, but he remained faithful.

My assistant pastor, Konate, just sent me some pictures of the last baptism.  I realized that Edouard had made the decision to be baptized.  What a blessing.  It is great to see God help people overcome their fears.

Edward being baptized

Womans day at Roungou

November 30th, 2010

Each year, Burkina Faso has a special day called, “journee de la femme” or woman’s day.  It was created many years ago to try to help with the mistreatment of women.  Women for years have been treated in Burkina Faso and much of Africa and actually much of the world like servants or almost like slaves.  We have seen a great change in the faithful people in our churches.  They really haven’t changed because of the government’s efforts but because of their salvation and the Word of God.

The struggle is even greater in the village.  Forced marriage is normal.  Polygamy is normal.  The woman is called a wife but she really is a servant in most cases.  There is no real love between the man and his wife/wives.  Salif told me last month that he wanted to hold a special day to honor the women at Roungou, where our village church is.  I thought it was a great idea.  The church is full of children, woman, teenage/young men but not really many older men.   In many cases, these men love us, but they love their tradition more than God.

Here are a few pictures that they sent me from their special day:

jounee de la femme

jounee de la femme

journee de la femme

journee de la femme

I guess that you can tell that they have become good baptists.  They love to eat at church.

Paul’s great concern and desire

November 16th, 2010

We are currently in North Carolina at Calvary Baptist Church and Pastor Chris Haislip.  Pastor Scott Caudill is preaching this week.  What a service we had tonight.  I just wanted to share with you a few things that I got from the message.  It was powerful.

Romains 9:1-3

“I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost, That I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart.For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh:”

  • If possible, Paul was willing to go to hell so that his brethern could be saved
  • Paul’s desire wasn’t in money, politics or other earthly things.  He simply didn’t want the world to die and go to hell.
  • Paul’s ministry was about others.
  • The world will never be evangelized until we are willing to give it all.
  • The key to Paul’s ministry wasn’t his head knowledge but was his heart.

I was touched tonight.

I wonder where my tears have gone.

I am afraid that too many times I am going through the motions.

I want to be used.  I want to see other come to Christ.  Pray for me.  I want my life to make a difference.

Muslim Missions — A great task with many hindrances — part 3

November 16th, 2010

Why we must go to the Muslims:

1.      Christ died for them    The Bible says in 1 Timothy 2:6 that He gave Himself a ransom for all.  Do we truly believe he died for ALL? Do we live like we do?

2.      God wants them all to be saved — The Bible says in 2 Peter 3:9 that He is “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance”.

3.      He has commanded us to go – Did not God command us in Mark 16:15 to, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature?”  Did every creature include the Muslims of this world?  Most live like they weren’t included.

I have been blessed to be called of God to work in a country where the majority of people are Muslims.  We have seen firsthand that God is saving Muslims.  Four out of our six young preachers were former Muslims. 

Our mission, Macedonia World Baptist Missions, is blessed to have twelve missionary families reaching Muslims with the Gospel message.  But we need so many more with a passion for the Muslims.

Let’s wake up and see the opportunity that God has given us even here in America to reach the Muslims with the Gospel.  Instead of complaining about them, let’s get out and win them!

I have heard much talk about the Mosque being built near ground zero.   I was wondering how many Christians have talked about this but have never prayed for the Muslims to come to Christ.  We talked about Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, but have we prayed for them?  I know that our military must do what it has to do to protect freedom but truly where is our heart?  Do we really care?

Here are some remarks that I have heard through the years:

  • I would rather go to hell than to go to the Muslims.
  • I don’t care if they all go to hell (from an evangelist who preaches all over America).
  • I don’t envy you.
  •  Why do you want to go to the Muslims. My simple response, “If I don’t go, who will”?

What are you doing to reach out to this needy group of people that God loves?  Actually I should say what are you doing to reach sinners (that includes everybody)?

Blythewood Baptist Church

November 11th, 2010

What a privilege it was to be at Blythewood Baptist Church in South Carolina.  We were with Pastor Horst Trojahn.  They aren’t a big church (lots of people) but they have a big heart for missions.  I was able to preach the missions conference along with some other missionaries.  Their faith promise went up over $400 a month.  We praise the Lord for what He did during the week.

I received a great compliment on Sunday.  A black lady that was present was really enjoying my preaching.  She was a great encouragement.  I went to talk to her before the Sunday evening service and she said, “I called my girlfriend this morning after the service and told her that she should have been in church.  I told her that we had a white preacher that preached like a black preacher”.  I told her that I needed her to travel around with me to all the dead churches so that I have at least one person encouraging me.

Muslim Missions — A great task with many hindrances — part 2

November 11th, 2010

Why the hindrances:

1. Closed countries — we have let this cripple us. We might not be legally allowed to preach in many of these countries, but should this hinder us?  The Apostles didn’t stop preaching because they were not allowed.  Actually, they rejoiced that they were counted worthy when they were beaten and they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.  Acts 5:40-42

How wimpy and timid so many of us are compared to the first church.  I believe that we will never fulfill what God wants (evangelize the world) unless we are willing to totally give our lives.  This will probably mean that some will be beat, some will greatly suffer and some may even die.

2. Lack of compassion — I have been told many times, “Why would you want to work in a Muslim country?”   I have been told that they should all die and go to hell.  My friend, we all deserve hell, and they deserve to have just as much of an opportunity to hear the Gospel that you did.

I think we need a revival of compassion.

Muslim Missions — A great task with many hindrances — part 1

November 10th, 2010

When I think about a great task, I think about the great commission. I believe that we have the man power and the money power to get the job done.  The problem is that we have yet to turn loose of what we have and of our lives.

I also think about the great task of spreading the Gospel to Muslims.  Islam has 1.57 billion adherents, making up 23% of the world population.  While they are close to ¼ of the world’s population only about one percent of missions efforts are directed towards them.  This means that there is about one Christian missionary for every one million Muslims.

Samuel Zwemer stated, “One might suppose that the church thought the Great Commission did not apply to Muslims.

Road Trip and Zeal

October 27th, 2010

About three weeks ago, we set off on a road trip.  We left Jefferson, Ga for Florida.  We were in two great services there.  Then we were off to Louisiana for another church service.  We finally arrived in Arizona for a missions conference at Tucson Baptist Temple in Arizona.  What a great missions conference. We were extremely blessed.  We are currently in a hotel in Mississippi.  We will arrive back in GA tomorrow.  Thank the Lord for safety and that we don’t have to drive through Texas again any time soon.

While I was in Arizona at two different churches, some Christians made comments that they liked my zeal and passion for the work.  I remember the zeal and passion I had for basketball and other sports.  My mom would often ask why do you practice for 2-3 hours at school to come home and play some more?  I was zealous, maybe overzealous for basketball.  My dream came true (well at that time) I got a basketball scholarship.  It was just a few months later after I arrived at college that I got saved.  My passion for sports began to fade and my passion for God began.  I truly can say that my zeal and passion for God is not made up.  It is not forced.  It is something that comes from within.  I know what I deserved, and I know what God gave me.  I deserved eternal punishment, and I got eternal life.  I deserved to pay for my sins, but Jesus paid them in full.  How can I not be passionate about that?  Not only did He save me, but He allows me to serve Him.  I can honestly say that my true dream came true.

Not only am I a sinner saved by grace, but I am also given the privilege to serve that King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.  What a thrill that the God of Heaven works through my life.  Again, how can I not be passionate about that?  The game winning shot, the huge 10 point buck, the big 10 pound bass is nothing in comparison to the thrill in serving God.  He is wonderful and I love ,and I love serving Him.

Exciting news from Burkina Faso

October 16th, 2010

I just wanted to share with you some exciting news.  Pastor Konate wrote me a few days back.  He is the assissant pastor of Living Water Baptist Church in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.  He told me that they baptized nine people the other Sunday.  It is such a thrill that even though I am away from the work, God is still moving in a great way.  He has given us some great young men to lead the work and ministry in Burkina Faso.  I truly believe that God is doing and is going to do some great things things in West Africa.

Our newest Prayer letter

October 1st, 2010

September/ October 2010

Dear Pastor and Praying Friends,

                It has been an eventful last few months.  We have been traveling around visiting many of our supporting churches and also we have been in some new ones.  God has been good to us, and we have picked up some additional support.  The ministry has really grown, and we believe that it will continue to do so. 

                My wife and I took a trip to Morocco and also to Burkina Faso.  What a great need that Morocco and other Arab countries have for the truth.  Our visit to Burkina Faso was blessed in a great way.  I was so encouraged to see the young pastors step up and be used of God.  The Sunday morning that we were there, 135 people were present at our principle work, Living Water Baptist Church(LWBC).  I was thrilled to see many new faces that I have never seen before.  They will be baptizing 10 new believers very soon. 

                We also had our 4th missions conference in Burkina Faso.  We pulled all three of our churches in the city together to have this meeting.  God blessed, and we averaged around 100 in attendance.  I allowed all of the young pastors/preachers to preach 15 min. during the conference.  I was amazed at how well each one of them preached the Word.  Outside of salvation there is no greater feeling than watching a young man that you have lead to the Lord, discipled and trained stand up to preach the Word, and it touches your heart.

                Pastor Konate, my assistant at LWBC, wrote me to tell me about the increase in faith promise.  Last year our church gave around $100 a month to missions.  It doesn’t sound like much, but most of our people make less than that each month.  They pledged to give $130 a month.  I am excited about the 30% increase. 

                We unfortunately didn’t get to start our fifth work in Burkina Faso because of some problems.  The land was soaked because of the rain and a few other things happened.  We are in the process of building, and they should be starting this new church in November, the Lord willing. 

                I met with all our pastors/preachers multiple times.  We talked about the future and our vision for West Africa.  We want to have around 40 churches in the capital, Ouagadougou.  We want to start a Bible college in the local language in a town called Pissila.  This will help us to reach that region with the Gospel.  We want to send men to key cities in Burkina Faso and also in West Africa.  There is so much more.  I know, I dream big, but I do have a great God that loves to do the impossible.

If you would like for us to come by, you can e-mail me at or you can call me on my cell phone at 706-612-8675.  

Thanks again for all of your prayers and faithful support.  God has blessed and is blessing, and we know that you are a vital part of that.  It is amazing how God uses the body of Christ to accomplish His work around the world.   

                                                                His Servants,

                                Keith, Rebecca, Emily, Meredith, Isaac, and Caleb Shumaker

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  • More Information

    Rome Baptist Temple
    P.O. Box 1023
    Rome, GA 30162
    Pastor: Dr. Billy Goolesby
    Phone: (706)232-8969

    06 BP 9460 Ouagadougou 06
    Burkina Faso
    Phone: (706)534-8965

    Macedonia World Baptist Missions Inc.
    P. O. Box 519
    Braselton, GA 30517

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