Edward overcame his fear of family
December 1st, 2010Edouard, or Edward in English, came to our church about two years ago. After a few weeks of preaching, he came under conviction and got saved by the wonderful grace of God. His family wasn’t happy with the decision that he made. They were religious but didn’t like the fact that he changed churches. We know that is was more than just changing churches or converting to another religion. He was regenerated and born into the family of God.
His family has given him a hard time through the years. They have threatened to kick him out of the house on many occasions, but he remained faithful. Upon seeing his faithfulness we began letting him do some different things at the church. One day while he was giving announcements the question hit me. Has he ever been baptized? We never let people do much until they make the decision to be Biblically baptized. I asked him after the service, and he told me that he hadn’t been. I have no idea how it was overlooked, but it was.
I told him that he needed to be baptized, and he agreed. He went through the baptism course and then told us he wasn’t ready. Man was I shocked. I knew the reason, but he had been faithful through so much. He was afraid of what his family would say and do. Maybe they would kick him out of the house. Maybe they would totally ostracize him. For months he refused. We took away what he was doing at church. We were not mean about it. We still loved him. I was afraid that he would get mad and leave, but he remained faithful.
My assistant pastor, Konate, just sent me some pictures of the last baptism. I realized that Edouard had made the decision to be baptized. What a blessing. It is great to see God help people overcome their fears.