The Shumaker Family's Blog

New Church to be started

March 19th, 2011

This has to be one of the most exciting times for a missionary.  The kickoff of a new work.  We have been blessed to start four other works in Burkina Faso, and this will be the fifth Gospel preaching church.

Pastor Zacharie and his family served with us for about three years at Water of Life Baptist Church.  He expressed an interest a few years back about going to start a new work.  Probably about 4 years ago, I began asking for a piece of land on the north side of the capital Ouagadougou.  It was granted to us, and we have paid the taxes.  We started building a few months back in preparation for the kick off of this work.  We were able to use many of the offerings that we have received over the last few months on furlough for the construction.

I am asking you to be in much prayer for the 25th, 26th and the 27th of this month.  Many of the members of our other churches will  go over on the 25th to help evangelize the area during the day.   Then at night, they will have a special service to kick off the church.  They will repeat the same thing on the 26th.  Then on the 27th they will have Sunday morning services.  What an exciting time.  Please pray, and I will try to give you an update on what God is doing those days.

Here are some pictures of the construction:

Below is a picture of the pastors house.



Trip to South Africa

March 19th, 2011

I just made a trip to South Africa.  It was a great trip and God greatly blessed.  I have been wanting to visit two of Macedonia World Baptist Missions missionaries down there for a few years.  Being the Africa field director for MWBM, I try to make at least one trip a year to see our various missionaries.

One of the missionaries that I visited is Kevin Hall.  He is doing an amazing job.  He has learned a tribal language.  Most missionaries are unwilling to take on this task, but the Halls have.  They work with the Xhosa people.  I was so touched by their love for these people.  It was easy to tell that the love is mutual.  Most of the missionaries to South Africa work with the whites or the colored people but not the blacks even though the blacks make up about 80% of the population. Bro. Kevin has trained a young man named Sipho.  Pastor Sipho has been sent out of their first work to start a new work in town.  It is just a few months old and God is really blessing.  I was able to preach there many times during my trip.  It has been a long time since I have had a better time preaching to a group of people.  We seemed to click.  Pastor Sipho said about my preaching, “Our people feel him”.  I know it is the Lord and what he has taught me and allowed me to experience over the last few years.

There was a group of eleven that went on the trip.  In total there were 11 professions of faith.

The other missionary family that we visited was the Lovetts.  As many of you may be aware of, Bro. Michael Lovett was in a terrible motorcycle accident in January.  His arms were badly broken.  I was thrilled to see the progress with his health.  He still has a long recovery ahead but Bro. Michael is determined to get back to full strength.  He hasn’t let this disaster slow him down much.  In spite of the pain and struggle, he is working hard at strengthening the church he is at.  I was able to preach for them two times, and we had a great time.

David Lundy — A true partner

February 26th, 2011

Last Furlough, I met David Lundy.  I went by Vision Baptist Church one night.  He asked if we could go out and talk.  So about 5 years ago, his family and my family went out to eat.  He told me that he was going to be my partner.  I was thinking, what is he talking about? But I have learned that sometimes it is best to just nod your head and act like you understand.

I went back to Africa and Bro. David began writing me e-mails and calling me.  Then he called and said I am coming over.  I was excited as we always are to have visitors. He helped with Vacation Bible Schools, preaching, construction projects, etc.  He has came over three times so far.  He is already planning his next two trips over to Burkina Faso.

Bro. David calls many times after the Sunday morning service.  He tells me that he was praying for me as I preached and then asks what God did that morning.

I was fishing with Bro. David a few months back.  We were walking around a small farm pond.  He told me that he was willing to preach and be a missionary if God wanted him to but God hasn’t called him.  Then he looked at me and said, “Even though I am not a preacher nor a missionary, I feel that I have the same call to reach the world with the Gospel as you do”.

Bro. David is a true partner in the ministry.  Actually his whole family is.  His wife Anne has been a great blessing to our family also.  Sometimes I think he is as excited about the ministry  as I am.  I call him when something big happens because I want to share it, and I know that he wants to hear.  Sure we need more preachers, sure we need more missionaries but we need thousands upon thousands of David Lundys.  What are you doing to make a difference around the world?  You too could become a true yoke fellow in spreading the gospel by backing this ministry or even another one that touches your heart.


Lots of Projects ahead

February 19th, 2011

Missionaries say all the time that they are called to a certain country.  Normally, our vision gets cornered to a small area of a town and that is it.  I have met a few missionaries that have had a major impact on just one city and even fewer who have impacted a country.

I have been taught to think like a general.  Find a way to attack the country with the Gospel.  Don’t think small but think big.  So that is what I have tried to do the last few years.  It takes a little while to get the train started, but by the grace of God we are rolling.

It will take literally thousands of churches to be able to get close to reaching the 16 million people of Burkina Faso.  Just think about it.  Georgia has a little less than 10 million people.  In 2005, there was an estimated 8,190 Baptist churches in GA.   Membership is around 2,100,000.  To reach Burkina Faso effectively we don’t need just 10 churches nor 100 churches nor 1000 churches but thousands.  People have asked me, “how are you going to do that”?  I think sometimes, “how can I do that”?  The truth is I can’t possibly do that, but He can.  I have watched as God has worked miracles and done way more than Keith Shumaker can do.

We have many projects coming up totaling an estimated $85,000. God has blessed in the past few weeks. We received a check from an individual for $1,500.  Even his kids sent some money to help.  A church sent in $3000 this week.  With these and other gifts, we currently have over $5,000 for the roof at Living Water Baptist Church leaving us with around $80,000 needed to cover upcoming projects.  We have been contacted this week by a church that would possibly like to help with the building at Tingandogo.

Below is a sample of some of our current needs and near future projects:

Living Water Baptist Church – roof – $15,000-$20,000 –This is our main work. – We will do Bible college here for many years – need the second floor for Bible college and also for Sunday school rooms/childrens church.

Tingandogo – In need of a new church building — $5000 – Church was started in 2005 – The current building is small – maxed out with 30-35 adults –need something bigger.

Bread of Life Baptist Church – worked started in 2009 — latrine — $1000 and pastors house (future) $3000

Roungou – (future) bigger church building – started in 2005 – remote village – lots of women, children and teenagers – current church building is too small

Pissila – don’t have a work there yet – will build church and moore Bible College — $15,000 – $20,000

Basséko – new church being started – finished what we need to for now.

Land and taxes – on-going process of getting new land around the city Ouagadougou  — goal is to have around 40 churches in Ouagadougou – must obtain land for the future

Mali – Paid $2000 on some land – have $1000 left – this is for a national who is doing a great job.  I would love to build him a decent church building, walls, latrine, classrooms — $20,000

Ivory Coast – I built a church for a pastor in 2003 –  it would be great to help build a house on the land — $4000

Excited but scared

February 19th, 2011

I am amazed that the God of Heaven loves to work through people like me.  What an honor it is to serve Him.

This week I have been preparing my thoughts, plans and strategies about going back to Burkina Faso.  I have been excited for months about it. Just like a child in a candy store.  But a little over a week ago, I began to get scared.  I am not scared of Africa. I have lived there eight years now.  I am not scared that God won’t start a work.  God has already blessed us with a great work and with great people.  The thing that began to shake me up was the greatest hindrance to the ministry in Burkina Faso.  To much surprise the greatest hindrance to the Gospel isn’t the devil, the Muslims, but I believe it is me.  I know that God can move me aside and put somebody better in my place, but I believe that God has called me to start a movement that will spread throughout Burkina Faso and the world.

Here are some thoughts on what I am talking about:

  • I am scared that I will go over there and go through the motions.
  • I will preach luke-warm sermons to a luke-warm people.
  • I will be lazy and only work about half speed.
  • I will get my eyes on numbers and not on building men.
  • I will worry about pleasing men more than God.
  • I will lack vision and that will result in the Burkinabes lacking vision also.
  • I will work in my own power instead of the power of God.

It would really be easy for me to go through the motions.  Just doing that would produce a little.  The problem with that is that the little won’t impact a country nor even a city.  It won’t impact millions or even thousands maybe just a few hundred.  There is so much to do.  God wants to do a lot.  I believe that it is His will to start a great movement that will impact thousands and even millions.

Can one man do that?  No, no, no!!!  I am limited but He isn’t.  We need others to be involved.  Would you be willing to be involved?

You might ask, “How can I be involved?” Here are some ways:

  1. By prayers.
  2. Communicate with us. By e-mail, vonage, etc.
  3. Take a trip over to come see us.  You are invited at any time.
  4. Give.  The Africans are working hard to do their part.  They give of their time and of their means.  We need monthly support and one time offerings.  I will highlight some of the current projects in the next blog.
  5. Come work with us on the field as church planters.

Building Projects Post #1 — Living Water Baptist Church

February 12th, 2011

We have had a great time the past week.  I preached two different missions conferences and took my beautiful wife off for a few days.  She deserved it.

I mentioned in the last post that I wanted to give some updates on the different building projects that we have going on.  I thought I would start with the need at Living Water Baptist Church.  I decided to do a little video so that you could see it, not just read it.  The audio is bad.  Don’t know why.  I threw this video together in a few min.   So here it is:

YouTube Preview Image

Vision for Burkina Faso

February 3rd, 2011

As of today, I have been a missionary for about 11 years.   God has always taken care of my family and I.  He has used His people to do this so many times.  I am excited about what God is doing in Burkina Faso and in West Africa.  I envision a great revival.  Not because of me but because of Him.  We would like to plant at least 40 more churches in the capital Ouagadougou.  We already have three,  and  we plan to start the fourth in Feb. 2011.  We are in the process of getting 7 pieces of property in the capital.  We also want to send men to key cities in Burkina Faso.  They will start a church and use that church and reach their area with the Gospel.  We need hundreds of churches in Burkina Faso.  It would take hours for me to explain what is on my heart.  We want to send men all over West Africa to start churches.  Actually, we want to send men all over Africa.

I know many of you are thinking, Keith has gone mad.  I really had this in my heart for a long time but only shared bits and pieces.  I remember driving down the road on deputation.  I was single for most of it.  I would listen to hours of preaching and singing.  I know that I am half crazy but I would begin to preach in the car.  I would imagine and dream that thousands of Africans would be listening.  I would then roll down the window and have an alter call and lead them to the Lord.  I can’t say that we have thousands.  We don’t have the yet,  but we do have hundreds.  I still believe that the thousands are coming.

I really can’t share all for a lack of time,  but  I am bothered by what I see on the field.  I watch Mosques being built all over West Africa.  They are the prettiest, biggest, nicest buildings in the different towns and villages.  They are being built all over.  At one time they were opening 3-4 new mosques a week.  Money is pumped in from other countries. I just can’t sit back and say nothing.  I am burdened to do more.  I want to see God move like never before in Africa.  We have the truth.  Our Savoir died for us, but He didn’t stay dead.  He arose.  He is alive.  Why is it that those who don’t have the truth and those who have a dead god give until it hurts.  I know that so many of you give, pray and serve God, but there are many who are unmoved, remain selfish, and only give half-hearted service to the Lord.

God has given us seven Burkinabé  pastors to work with.  I dream that one day we will have hundreds.  God has really blessed us with these pastors.  They love God and His work.  They have a passion about the world and winning others to Christ.  They are doing their part.  They are leading the churches to give towards missions.  They are helping with the building, both physically and financially.  They are sacrificing.  I could tell you about those who don’t have much but give their tithes and give to missions.  I could tell you about Albert who gives over 50% of his salary to God each month.  He rides a bike to and from work for a total of an hour a day when he could afford a moped if he didn’t give to God’s work. .  I wish you could see it first hand.

Many have asked about the projects we have going on and what we want to see accomplished in the future.  In the next few posts, I will begin to share many of these projects that we have on our hearts.

4th Anniversay of Living Water Baptist Church

February 1st, 2011

In January 2007, by the grace of God, we started Living Water Baptist Church.  God has greatly blessed this work, and we are excited about what He will do in and through this church in the future.

It would be impossible to write all of what God has already done in this church, but here is a summary:

1.  Many lost people have been saved and baptized.

2.  The people started faith promise missions giving in 2007.  They are giving $130 a month.  That is a lot for  them.

3.  They support Pastor Konate full time and pay all of their bills (electric, water, etc.)

4.  They have started a new church in 2009, and the second one will be started soon.

5.  The Bible college is currently located there.  We have been able to train many men for the ministry.

Living Water Baptist just completed Celebration Day (commemorating the anniversary of the church).

Pastor Konate wrote me and told me that they had a great day.

There were 87 adults and 121 kids for a total of 207.  I have paid for a special meal in the past.  He told me that each family brought something(food) to church for the special day.

Also one woman made a profession of faith.  It is always a day to celebrate when a person is born into the family of God.





10 years ago….

December 22nd, 2010

10 years ago, today, I married the most wonderful woman alive.  Its hard to believe that 10 years have passed. It’s hard to believe that Rebecca has had to put up with me for 10 years.  She has faithfully followed me all over the world.  She has encouraged me, when others didn’t.  She believed in, me when others didn’t.  She has been a great wife, friend, companion, and helpmeet.

Rebecca, I love you.  You are the greatest wife a man could ask for.  I could never find anybody better than you.  Thanks, for supporting me and following me.  I know that sometimes it had been hard.  Situations haven’t always been easy but you have always stuck with me, helped me, and loved me.  I can’t wait for next 10 years.  I thank the Lord for putting us together.  Thanks for all that you do.  I love you with all my heart.

Bread of Life Baptist Church

December 2nd, 2010

Bread of Life Baptist Church was started last November.  A young man named Mamadou is the Pastor of this church.  We just recently were able to help a little with their church building.  We have been able to save some of our love offerings since being on furlough.  We have taken this money, and we have built and helped in some of the different churches.  Mamadou sent me an update on what is going on in the ministry and I thought I would share:

  •  We just had an evangelistic campaign.  There was a total of 19 professions of faith.  16 were children and 3 were adults.
  • By the Grace of God we have had new visitors that have become faithful.
  • In the near future we would love to have a children’s camp and be able to have a class for the community teaching them to read.
  • We are in need of building a restroom for the church.  We are praying God would supply the need.  It will cost about $1000.
  • I am happy that God is using me as a channel in Saonre.

Here are some of the pictures they sent me of the construction.


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  • More Information

    Rome Baptist Temple
    P.O. Box 1023
    Rome, GA 30162
    Pastor: Dr. Billy Goolesby
    Phone: (706)232-8969

    06 BP 9460 Ouagadougou 06
    Burkina Faso
    Phone: (706)534-8965

    Macedonia World Baptist Missions Inc.
    P. O. Box 519
    Braselton, GA 30517

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