The Shumaker Family's Blog

Pastors Camp

July 7th, 2011

Last Monday afternoon we left the city of Ouagadougou to go out to a village about 30 min. out of town. This was the start of the Pastors Camp (our first ever). We had a total of 8 pastors and their families. Unfortunately one pastor couldn’t make it because of sickness.

We had an unbelievable time together. The theme of the camp came from Psalm 133:1, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” We are trying to build a team that will work together to reach this country and the surrounding countries for the Lord.

Salif told a story of when we were first getting started. How we would take some poles and a tarp and have services. He said that I would say, “One day we will have 40 churches in Ouagadougou”. He would look at Simon and they would say, “Is that possible”? He said that he didn’t believe it then, but now if I wanted to say 60 church plants in Ouagadougou, he believes it is possible.


We realized how spoiled we are. We were without power, running water (had to travel to a pump to get it), normal toilet(there was a hole in the ground), air conditioning or fan, etc. It truly makes you appreciate what you have when you have to live without something for a few days. My wife asked all the women would they be willing to follow their husbands if God called them to work in the village. I have seen African men that wanted to go to a certain area and their wives refused saying they didn’t want to live without electricity. My told me that they all said they would follow their husbands. Then I asked my wife, “Are you willing?” After a few moments she said, “If God called you, then yes”.

My question for you is, “Are you willing to do what God wants you to do even if it was to go and live in a village in Africa?”

Salifs blessing thanks to Eternel Believers Baptist Church

July 2nd, 2011

Last Sunday night was a night of excitement.  After I finished preaching, I let Salif talk about 10 min.  He told us about the work that God is doing at the village church, Roungou.  While he was talking the power went out.  It happens some during service times, and we normally keep preaching or singing or whatever we are doing.  The problem was that this night was different.

I met Salif in 2002.  He was a hard core Muslim that followed in the footsteps of his father.  He was trained to be an Imam (Muslim leader of a Mosque).  After two years of conversing, (it really was a surprise to me), he received Jesus as his Savior.  He began working in the ministry doing whatever was needed.  He taught kids, lead singing, translated, etc.  He was very faithful.   We started a work in a village called Roungou.  It is about two hours by car.  The problem was that we could only go every other week.  We discussed the need to be out there every week.  He approached me and told me he was interested.

He has faithfully gone out there every week for over two years.  He leaves early Saturday morning, takes a bus to one town, and then takes a smaller bus to another town.  Then he rides his bicycle for about 45 min to 1 hour to get to the village.  He does children’s programs, discipleship courses, and has two services for the people.  Then he comes back on Sunday night.

A few months ago, I was at Eternal Believers Baptist Church.  I talked about Salif’s testimony and his faithfulness.  After the message, Pastor Grant Burke told the church that he wanted to raise money for a moto for Salif so they took a special offering for this need.

Salif didn’t know about this.  I wanted it to be a surprise.  So that is why Sunday night was different.  Sunday night was going to be the night we surprised him, and the power went off.  We quickly got some candles and lit them.  Then I called Salif and his wife up front.  I explained the story about how God put a desire in the heart of Pastor Burke.  Then I said here is the gift that was given, and the moto was brought in.

Salif was shocked.  He turned to his wife and gave her a hug.  The church clapped for over a minute.  It was a beautiful thing to watch how God has blessed the faithfulness of Salif.  Pastor Konate then presented a special gift for Salif’s wife.  It was material to make their traditional clothing.  What a night!  The pictures aren’t perfect because of the power being cut.  We did get a few pictures after the power came back on.

Mamata (Salifs wife) told my wife that Salif couldn’t eat or sleep that night because he was so excited.  God is good.

Not exactly what we wanted but we do have internet finally

June 25th, 2011

We finally have a better internet connection. I was waiting on DSL to come to the house. I went by the phone company 3 times and they told me to be patient (I was trying to). Three weeks later, they called the workers who hook it up and found out that the telephone wires in our neighborhood were stolen. They don’t have these cables in the country, so they will have to send off for them. They said it will take months.
So I went and got a different connection. It is one that plugs into the usb port. It is fast but we can’t use our telephone (vonage) on it. I can talk on skype. If you would like to reach us and talk with us my skype address is keith.shumaker

There is so much going on it will be hard to update everything. We started building again. We are making blocks at Living Water Baptist Church. We started building over 4 years ago on this building and we will put the roof on in the next few months. I will send some pictures later.

Also, we will be building at Tingandogo. We are getting the sand, blocks and other material together. Next Thursday, we will start digging the foundation and then the brick mason will begin his work.
Monday through Wednesday we will have pastors camp. We have 9 pastors present (me included) and their wives. It will be a great time of fellowship and teaching. Please pray that God would unify us during these days.

As you can see we have lots going on. God is really moving and we are thrilled. I will start updating on a more regular basis. Thanks for your prayers, love and support.

Going well

June 4th, 2011

We arrived in Burkina Faso two weeks ago.  I quickly realized why I love this place.  It definitely isn’t because of the heat.  It has been  challenging the last few weeks adjusting to the climate.  The rains will come soon and it will be much better.  It isn’t because I love the dust and dirt.  I truly didn’t realize how dirty this place can be.  I guess after many years you don’t notice it. But just coming back from the states, it is dirty.

The real reason why we love being here is what God is doing and what He has called us to.  Things are going very well.  The churches have advanced, especially Living Water Baptist Church.  I told Pastor Konate if he wanted me to leave and start another church, that I was willing to.  He said, “no, I still have much to learn”. He is doing a fantastic job. There are so many possibilities in the near future it is amazing.  Please pray that God gives us wisdom and His strength to accomplish what He desires.

I haven’t written because of our internet connection.  I borrowed a small wireless modem but it is slower than dial-up.  We have been able to e-mail but not do much on the internet.  We are awaiting the internet to come to the house.  It has been a week and a half.  Maybe next week.  I will update you then on more of what God is doing but I wanted to let you know that we are alive and well.  Thanks for your prayers and your faithful support.

Living Water Baptist Church — God meets another need

May 11th, 2011

I mentioned what God has done and is doing at Living Water Baptist Church on multiple occasions.  A few months back I wrote about the need to finish the roof of the building.  A roof would give us some needed classrooms on the 2nd story that will serve as Sunday school rooms and also classrooms for our Bible College.

After writing about this need, I met with some dear friends of ours.  They didn’t want me to mention their names, but they have been a huge blessing to us over the years.  They have supported us for over ten years on a monthly basis.  Also they have helped with some building projects in the past.  As we were at lunch we were discussing how much money was needed to complete the roof on Living Water Baptist Church.  They told me that the money was already on the way.  They graciously gave $10,000 to help in the expense of building.

Most reading this would think, “They must have a lot of money”.  Actually they live very simply and happily give so that the work of God will prosper all over the World.  If everyone had their heart it would be amazing what God would do all over this world.  They are sold out to getting the Gospel to the World.  I guess I have a simple question, “Are you”?

Thanks for all those who have given and have prayed for this need.  I am excited about getting back in a few day and finishing the roof.  This will allow the ministry to expand.

Resurrection day services at Living Water Baptist Church

April 30th, 2011

Pastor Konate wrote me an update on how their Easter services went.  I am thrilled with what God has done while I have been gone.

Pastor Konate said that they had 85 adults and 61 kids present last Sunday.  They had 14 people that made professions of faith in Jesus Christ and 13 people were baptized.

I am really looking forward to getting back to Burkina Faso in a couple of weeks.

I thought I would share some pictures from the services.  I didn’t recognize any of the people that were baptized so they are truly getting in some new folks.  They worked hard and put on a passion play.  It is amazing to see how God is working and changing lives.



God is meeting many needs in Africa

April 9th, 2011

During some of my last posts I talked about some of our plans and projects for Burkina Faso.  I was contacted by Pastor Wallace.  He is the pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Trenton, GA.  He expressed an interest in helping one of the projects.  I sent him a list of projects, and he chose to help with a new church building for the Fundamental Baptist Church of Tingandogo.

This church was started in 2005.  They have grown to about 35 adults and many children, but their church building is small.  They are in a great need.

Calvary Baptist Church had me come and present the need.  We decided that $5,000 would be sufficient to build a bigger building.  They decided that they would attempt to raise the money during the month of March.  The whole church got excited.  The kids gave.  The teenagers raised over $500.  The adults gave.  Pastor Wallace called and said that they would probably be giving over $5,000.  He asked if we could build it bigger.  No problem in doing that.  The final amount that was raised was $7,144.

It is so exciting to see how the whole church got excited about giving and helping.  What a testimony that Calvary Baptist Church has left for others.  They are needing to build a new auditorium.  Pastor Wallace told the church that if we give to build another church then maybe God would give for ours.  Then he said, even if we don’t ever build a new auditorium, at least we built one over in Africa.  I appreciate his heart for missions.  I appreciate a church that got a burden.  What if many churches would catch the same burden.  Maybe we could fulfill the great commission that God gave us to fulfill.

Results from the new church plant

April 3rd, 2011

Thanks so much for your prayers for the newest church plant in Burkina Faso.  Pastor Konate gave me the results of the evangelistic campaign.

Close to 50 people, from the existing churches, gave their time to help the new church plant.

40 people made professions of faith during the evangelisation, conference, and first service.

11 people came for the first service (not including the pastor and his family).

Pastor Zachary is going to visit all of those who made professions of faith.

What a blessing to see how God is working.  I encouraged our churches in Africa to help one another.  I told the pastors if they really want to see God do something great in Burkina Faso that they would  have to work together, get involved, support new or struggling churches, and let God use them to do this great work, not to just rely on the missionaries to do this.  I think this was a good picture of the Burkinabe believers desire to see the God of Heaven do something great.

Here are some pictures of the evangelistic efforts, conference and first service.



New Website/blog

April 2nd, 2011

I have revamped our website and blog.  It isn’t totally finished yet.  I will be working on it over the next few months.  The blog will be integrated in our homepage.  Website/blog


Kickoff to the new church plant

March 26th, 2011

Yesterday was the kickoff to the new church plant on the north side of Ouagadougou.  Honestly, I am little disappointed that I am not there, but I am also thrilled that in my absence another work is being started.

I talked to Pastor Konate yesterday morning.  He told me that there were over 40 people from the other church that have come together to witness and invite people to the night service.  They started at 9 am, stopped for lunch and then they continued into the afternoon.  Last night, they had a special evangelistic service.  I talked to Pastor Konate again last night, and he told me that they had 13 adults that had already made professions of faith, and they weren’t yet finished with the service.

They are doing the same thing today.  Please pray that the power of God will be present and that many will see their need for Jesus.  The church will have its first service this Sunday.

I am amazed that over 40 people have come together to start a new work.

I am amazed that God has allowed us to start the fifth work in Burkina Faso.

I am amazed that God has given us some great leaders.

I am amazed that God lets me be apart of the most exciting thing in the world.

He is good.

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  • More Information

    Rome Baptist Temple
    P.O. Box 1023
    Rome, GA 30162
    Pastor: Dr. Billy Goolesby
    Phone: (706)232-8969

    06 BP 9460 Ouagadougou 06
    Burkina Faso
    Phone: (706)534-8965

    Macedonia World Baptist Missions Inc.
    P. O. Box 519
    Braselton, GA 30517

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