Thursday was an intersting day…
Thursday morning I dropped off two pastors at 5:30 in the morning. They spent a few days with us. As soon as that was finished, we(3 other Africans and myself) left for a village about 70 miles away. One of our church members told me that land down south is more fertile than the land here. It rains a lot more there and crops are great. I have often thought about having a plantation of mangoes or some other type of crop but have never went through with it. I have always wanted to figure out a way that we could help our churches, church members, pastors and Bible Institute students. When we got off the main road, I was a little disappointed because I wanted land right next to the main road but after 4 miles, much to my surprise, we came into a rather big village. We met with many of the people and look forward to having a work started there sometime in the future. We decided that we would plant about 12 acres of cashew trees or other trees and leave the rest (12 more acres) for the church people to plant.
I was talking with my parents about our desire to help and what our plans were. Thirty sec. after I got done talking with them, they called me back. They are going to help pay for the land(25 acres). I praise the Lord for such wonderful parents. They taught me at a young age to give and help others. They have been and are a great example of unselfish love (always looking at how they can help others).
August 14th, 2007 at 4:23 pm
Sounds like another church building needs to go up in the future.