The Shumaker Family's Blog

September 18th, 2012

I was with Pastor Gilbert this past weekend.  His wife gave birth to a beautiful girl a week ago.  I preached and two people made professions of faith.  One thing that never gets old is watching people get birthed in the family of God.  After the pictures, I have added our last prayer letter that talks about Pastor Gilbert.  God is using Gilbert in a great way.

A member of First Baptist Church of South Brevard named, Jack Synder, was touched about the need for a moto for Gilbert and is going to give $500.  It is his hearts desire that others would give so that the other $500 would come in. Thanks so much Bro. Synder for your gift.

Keith Shumaker Preaching in Burkina Faso

Pastor Gilbert, His wife and their new baby girl

Baby Dedication with Keith Shumaker

August  2012

Dear Pastor and Praying Friends,

God has been doing so much the last few months, I am in awe.  I know that God can do anything, but I am amazed that He lets me be a part of it. We are blessed to be on the mission field.

The big church kick off in Pissila was wonderful.  Thanks for your prayers.  All three new works are doing great.  One of the new works located in Koudougou, the third largest town in Burkina Faso, is being lead by Pastor Gilbert Bationo.

Gilbert grew up in a very religious family, but he still had no clue about salvation.  He was caught between the church and animism.  Finally he heard and accepted the truth that only Jesus could save him from his sins.  He started coming to our church in the fall of 2007.

Gilbert had an offer in 2008 to go to another country for work.  This was a great opportunity for him, but God called him into the ministry so he didn’t leave.  In the fall of 2008, he started in the Bible College.  He was very zealous but immature in many things.  One day, when I took up a writing assignment for the Bible College, I realized that two papers said exactly the same thing.  I knew one had been copied.  I called Gilbert and another pastor in training together.  I asked who did their work and who copied.  They both said they did their own work.  (You must realize that many of these young men never had a father that taught them right from wrong or showed them much love as children).  I told them that one was lying.  Again they told me neither copied.  As the phrase goes, “I may be some dumb but I am not plumb dumb.”  I told them they both got an F and were on suspension until one confessed.  Four hours later, Gilbert came over and confessed.  I talked to him about cheating and lying almost like I would one my children.  I disciplined him, loved him and never gave up on him and I am glad that I never did.

He came to me in 2009 with a desire to start a ministry for orphans.  I really didn’t think it would work but I didn’t want to crush his vision.  He has successfully loved these 40 children over the years.  He has won many of them to the Lord and taught them about life.

I believe that he probably has won more people to the Lord (and many of them have stayed faithful) than anybody else in the church.  He has discipled many people also.

He has turned out to be one of the most zealous, passionate pastors that I have ever met.  God has called him to plant churches in the area where he grew up.  He has been busy in the city of Koudougou winning souls and discipling them.  I preached for him last week, (third Sunday of the new work) and there were 20 youth/adults there.  He is doing a great job.  He is actually from a little town about 10 miles from Koudougou.  Many have asked him to come and start a church there.  This town is called Réo.  We have already been there on numerous occasions and seen many souls saved.  Another man was present Sunday that lives about 10 miles in the other direction than the town of Réo.  He talked about the need of a church in his village as well.  Gilbert has a desire to reach these villages with the Gospel.  He has a bike but would be more efficient and effective with a motto.  One costs about $1000.  Would you please pray that God would meet this need?

Thanks for all you do for this ministry.  Because of you there are pastors like Gilbert doing the work of God.


His Servants,


Keith, Rebecca, Emily, Meredith, Isaac and Caleb


We had a wonderful open air meeting

September 9th, 2012

One of the things we love to do here in Burkina Faso is to have open air meetings.  We find a good location not to far from the church and try to gather together as many people as we can.  This has been effective in evangelizing people, getting the name of our church out and all seeing people come to Christ.

Last night and tonight, we had two wonderful services.  There where probably 250 people there last night and about 300 people present tonight.  Our youth put on a biblical skit last night and then we preached the Word of God.  Tonight, we showed a film that our church made about 8 months ago.  Sometimes people think it is easy to do this sort of thing here.  What makes it possible is our people.  They work very hard for the Lord.  I am proud of them.  The youth have been practicing their skit for weeks.  Yesterday and today, we had many people come around three p.m. and go out into the neighborhood and invite people to come.  Another group helped me set everything up and take it down.  Another group dealt with the more than 20 or so that came forward for salvation (Praise the Lord for dealing with people).

Most importantly I am thankful to God.  He has allowed me to be in this great place.  He has called me to be church planter.  He has saved many people and has changed their lives.  He has called men to preach.  He has started 8 churches in Burkina Faso.  He is good.  He is real good.  There is no other way to describe it.  I am truly the most blessed man in the world.

Update on the ministry July/August

August 13th, 2012

I am currently in North Africa and wanted to give an update on the last month or so:

  • July 22nd my family and I were with Pastor Gilbert in Koudougou.  This work began just a few weeks before.  I was shocked but pleased to see around 20 people there.  Gilbert is a very passionate and a zealous man of God.
  • July 28th – 29th, my family and I were with Pastor Salif and his family.  I wrote a few weeks back on the kickoff of this church in Pissila.  Salif is doing an unbelievable job.  It is amazing what God can do with man that has had little worldly education but loves Jesus with all his heart.  In spite of the rain 25 Burkinabes were present Sunday morning.  Salif has won most of these people to the Lord over the last few weeks.
  • August 6th – 10th we had our fifth youth camp.  We had over 55 young people (and a few older) present.  Our theme was based upon Eph. 5:14, “Awake thou that sleepest”.  So many Christians all over the world need a great revival (to awake) in their spiritual lives.  What a blessing to watch so many young people praying and giving their whole lives to the Lord.
  • As mentioned above, I am currently in North Africa with some of Macedonia World Baptist Missions Inc. missionaries.  For years my good friend Aaron has been working so hard with little fruit.  It is my fifth trip here and I can say that is is amazing to watch the fruit that has been recently reaped.  One many told me that he trained to be a terrorist.  He was ready to literally blow himself up but he has since come to Christ.  He said, “I had hate in my heart until I met Jesus, and now I have love.”

I am shocked and saddened

July 12th, 2012

Spending three days in a small town in Burkina Faso called Pissila, (we were starting a new church) made me realize that our being here as missionaries is an absolute necessity. Pissila, like most of Burkina Faso, is very religious. There are churches, mosques, and many animists. I doubt there is one person that would claim to be an atheist or even doubt the existence of God. Everyone is Christian, Muslim or animists. Looking at the number of churches, one would think that there is no need for us to be here or start a new church, but that is not what I found.

I discovered that in this town, no one I talked to could tell me that they knew for sure they are going to heaven or tell me how biblically to get there. I don’t believe that we (Baptists) hold the key to salvation, but the Bible does. I don’t believe that only Baptists will go to heaven but all those who have been born again by the blood of Jesus.

I shared the Gospel with a lady who probably is about 30. She listened and was evidently very touched. I asked her if she would go to Heaven when she died. She said, “I don’t know.” I took her from Adam, to our sin, to the cross, to accepting Jesus. It probably took me 25 min. or so. I asked her at the end if she had any questions. She said, “I have been going to churches all my life, and I have never heard about salvation like that.” She has missed the very basis of our faith. She has heard message after message in a “Christian” church but doesn’t even know how to be saved from her sins. I wished I could say that this was the only instance such as this over those three days, but all of our co-laborers had the same stories. Pastor Gilbert, Pastor Justin, Pastor Vicente, Pastor Salif and Pastor Konaté all told me the same thing. They talked with another pastor in the town, and he quickly left without even being able to give them a clear Biblical explication of salvation.

This world needs a true revival. Pastors need to wake up. What good is a doctorate degree in theology if you can’t even tell somebody how to be born again? Churches around here claim to have miracle healings and forget that the greatest miracle is when somebody comes to Jesus (passing from death unto life). Pastors need to stop worrying about just drawing a huge crowd but making sure that those who come are confronted with the true Gospel.

Jesus saves.  Going to church doesn’t save, but Jesus saves.  Being baptized doesn’t save, but Jesus does.  A pastor, nor a priest, nor an imam can save, but Jesus can.  Being a Baptist, or Assembly of God or Catholic, or member of whatever church can’t save, but Jesus can.  Jesus saves.

John 14:6, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

New Work in Pissila started

July 5th, 2012

Thanks to all of you who have prayed over the last few days.  God truly blessed our time in Pissila.  A new church was started.  On Thursday, 12 of us (pastors and members) drove to Pissila to help Salif and his wife to plant their church.

That night there where 17  of us gathered around and prayed that God would help us to evangelize and win souls over the next few days.  God answered those prayers.  We were able to give the Gospel individually to hundreds and at night we were able to preach to the masses.  There must have been over 500 people that came to watch the film and hear the preaching.  The film that Living Water Baptist Church (our main work) produced has been greatly used of God each time we have shown it.

We had well over 20 professions of faith each day.  Sunday was blessed by having two men, who were very religious, being saved.  I preached on the new birth and God blessed.

One of the men that God saved.  Glad we will be in Heaven together one day.

Salif leading the service.

I got mobbed by some kids while trying to pass out tracts. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to be in this country and preach salvation to them.

Kick off to the new church at Pissila

June 28th, 2012

Salif has been with my family since the beginning of our arrival in Africa.  He started out as our night guard in 2002.  He was born into an Imam’s house (Muslim leader) and trained to be an Imam himself.  In 2004, he trusted Jesus as His Lord and Saviour.  He has stayed faithful all these years.  He has been leading the work in Roungou for the last three years and doing a tremendous job.  He has graduated Bible college and was ordained about a month ago.  He has moved with his family to Pissila (a town near Roungou).  He will be leading a new church plant in this very needy city.

A group of about 15 will leave this afternoon to help kick off the new work.  We will go door to door during the day and preach at night.  Please join us in prayer Thursday night thru Sunday morning as we desire to see people saved and a church birthed.  There is much religion in this country but not much true Bible preaching.

It was a little sad to see Salif move away since he has been around us for the last ten years, but I am proud of his dedication and love for the Lord.  I wish you all could meet him face to face.  He is one of the best men I know in the whole world.


What to do when your son becomes a man? Part 1

June 11th, 2012

There comes a time when a challenge comes to every home all over the world. That is the day when the son (boy) begins to become a man.  They want to think for themselves, work for themselves, talk for themselves, make decisions for themselves, etc.  They no longer want to be pampered by their mothers and want to prove to their father they can handle the decisions of life.

Maybe you are thinking, what is Keith talking about.  His oldest son, Isaac is only 6 years old.  No I am not going crazy even though that could be debatable.  The time will come when Isaac and Caleb will cross this bridge but I still have time before that.

What I want to talk a little about are my sons in the faith.  God has given me many young men that love God and have given their lives to preach the Gospel.  Some have left good jobs and followed after God’s call.  I have been privileged to win some of these men to the Lord.  I have watched them grow in their faith.  I have seen God call them to preach.  I have been given the honor to train them in the Bible college and also in the practical ways.  Now some of them are becoming great men of God.

A few weeks back I had a very interesting conversation with one of the pastors.  I left our conversation confused.   This pastor had always been very compliant.  It wasn’t that our conversation was bad, nor was he disrespectful but I sensed a tension there that I never have before.  At home, a few hours later, it hit me.  He is growing up.  He is becoming a man.  He wants to prove to me he can do the work of God without me holding his hands.

7 receive their Bible college diplomas and 4 are ordanied into the ministry.

June 3rd, 2012

Tonight, we had a wonderful service.  We had a two special ceremonies in one night.  We had our first graduation.  Seven men have completed 4 years of study at the Macedonia Baptist Bible College of Burkina Faso.  Four of those men were ordained into the ministry tonight also.

God has given me an unbelievable opportunity to have had the chance to train all of these men.  We have been through so much over these last few years.  We have been through good and bad times (mostly good).  We have preached together, studied together, won souls together, prayed and fasted together, we have spent multiple night under the stars in villages so that we could preach the gospel, etc.  These are some of the worlds greatest men.  God has used them and I believe He will used them even more in the next few years.  I think a small army has been started.  God has been so good.  Thanks for your prayers, love and support.  You have made all of this possible.

Sorry about the quality of the photos.  My camera lens broke tonight and I had to use my phone.

Keith Shumaker


Pissila (new church)

May 23rd, 2012

Pissila is a small town on the way to Roungou (where Salif is leading the church and the MP3 discipleship program).  We have been praying about starting a church there for quite some time.  Salif is finishing up his Bible College studies this month.  He, his wife Mamata and their two children will be going to Pissila in June.  June 28th thru May 1st we will be holding special services and doing a huge evangelistic campaign to kick off the new church.

We have also found a piece of land.  It is 2 and half acres.  Tomorrow, we will go to Pissila to buy the land.

It will cost $1,500.  A good brother, Derick Jackson, held a softball tournament and gave all the proceeds to us ($911).  We felt that it would be great to apply it to this land.  Another church sent in an extra $1000 last month.

We will then have to draw up the plans and place the survey markers.  This will cost $500.  Then we will register it with the government.  From what I have been told the taxes on the land will probably be near $2500.  Be in much prayer as this church will begin in a little over a month.

Update #2 on MP3 discipleship program

April 26th, 2012

Salif gave me the results from the first month of the MP3 discipleship program:

  • 17 first times visitors because of hearing the Word of God through the MP3 players.
  • One lady saved.
  • The woman have told Salif that their husbands who won’t come to church have been listening at the huts.
  • Salif was going to the village, when we saw a group of woman.  He realized that one of the ladies was from the church.  She makes clay pots.  She had just finished gathering clay with 5 other women.  They were sitting on the ground listening to the teaching and preaching.
  • Many are growing in their faith.

I truly believed that this would be a great way in order to help those who don’t read to grow in their faith.  I never imagined this MP3 discipleship program would be so effective to reach the lost.  We have had to pull them back and reorganize the teaching and add some preaching.  Hopefully we will be able to start over this week.

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  • More Information

    Rome Baptist Temple
    P.O. Box 1023
    Rome, GA 30162
    Pastor: Dr. Billy Goolesby
    Phone: (706)232-8969

    06 BP 9460 Ouagadougou 06
    Burkina Faso
    Phone: (706)534-8965

    Macedonia World Baptist Missions Inc.
    P. O. Box 519
    Braselton, GA 30517

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