God has truly blessed our conference. We have had a great time of fellowship and stirring of souls. I was able to talk with many different pastors and see what God is doing in their lives and also in their churches. I think that we must have had over 70 different pastors or leaders with us. I think that between the three different locations that we evangelized as a team and had services in, we had had over 100 people profess Jesus as the Lord. There was a new church that was started by our efforts. This is not my church but we helped in starting this new work. I was told that they had over 50 adults in the service and had 60-70 children. It was great to be able to help and assist in starting another work. I know others wouldn’t have wanted to help because it wasn’t for them but I praise God for the privilege we had in helping start another lighthouse that will preach the Word.
Missionary Steve Volonte was the moderator of the conference. He is a missionary in Ghana and has done a great work. He taught last night on church organization. Wow do I need to do some work. What a shame on me to be so disorganized. That is killing our churches here once the missionaries leave. We can be the glue to hold it together while we are here, but once we leave or move to another work it becomes difficult for the nationals. We will be visiting many of the new converts this week.
I was so proud of our young church. We are only 8 months old and our people let God use them. We had about 12 women that worked together from 7 am to past 10 pm each day. One lady told us that they never had an argument. What a miracle that is! They fed between 50-70 each meal. I do want to say that food preparation here isn’t easy. The way that they have to cook is hard and takes time. They didn’t go to the supermarket but to African market(which is much different). The don’t cook in or on a stove but over a hot fire in over 100 degree heat. Below is a picture of the women working.