We finished our church building at Roungo and because of that we felt it would be good to have a church dedication. We have met under tress and grass hangars for two years. I felt it was the right time to help them build a building. They did lots of the work by getting all the water, sand and rock necessary for the construction. We were privileged to have David Lundy and David Velke here. Bro. Lundy is a faithful member of Vision Baptist Church where Bro. Austin Gardner is the pastor. He is in charge of the children’s ministry and also is very faithful with Businessmen Committed to World Evangelism (www.bcwe.net). He and BCWE has helped greatly with our construction needs.You can also check out their blog at: www.bcwe.wordpress.com
Bro. Velke is a 19yr old that is being trained by Bro. Gardner. He preached for us 4 different times and God used him greatly. Our people said that they were amazed to see a young man with a love for God and a great vision.
We arrived in Roungou on Friday afternoon. We built benches and painted the inside of the building, the doors and the windows. We also put our church logo on the outside of the building. We had well over 300 in attendance for the church dedication. We had many of the old men and chiefs from the area. I was also able to baptize 16 people.