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Thursday, June 17th, 2010

We have been having a great time since coming to the States. 

We were in Ohio, Penn, New York and Canada visiting churches.  God has greatly blessed.   

Things that I have realized since being back Stateside:

  1. That I really miss Africa and the ministry.
  2. I know some people are struggling but the economy isn’t as bad as people have been saying.  Restaurants are full.  People are taking vacations.  Starbucks is full (it wouldn’t be if it was as bad as some say). 
  3. God is still blessing and still saving lives.  I have heard that the Independent Baptist churches are all dying.   I haven’t found that out to be true.  Actually I have been in many that are growing and thriving.
  4. God has greatly blessed us in Africa with some great men.  They are doing a great job while we have been gone. 
  5. That my children love McD’s. 
  6. It is easy to get fat in America.  There is too much good stuff here (really is is called “junk food”, but it tastes good).
  7. I have a wonderful family.  I already knew this but my wife is amazing.  She has followed me all over the world and still loves me.
  8. I am truly blessed to be called into the ministry.  There is no greater calling.  If I wasn’t in the ministry I would rather die.
  9. God is still in control and He is still on the throne.

I am still alive

Monday, May 3rd, 2010

I know that I have been lost for a little while.  We were extrememly busy before leaving Burkina Faso and my computer has been sick since getting here.  I have been trying to fix it but it might need to be put in the grave.  I will try to get out some updates on the ministry in the next few days.

God has been blessing since we have arrived in the States.  We have been busy going to some supporting churches and to some new ones.  Thanks for your prayers.

From what I here the ministry is still going well in Burkina Faso.  I talk a few times a week with Pastor Konate.

What a wonderful resurection day on Sunday

Tuesday, April 6th, 2010

God truly blessed on Easter morning.  Pastor Konate, my assistant at Living Water Baptist Church, was able to perform his first baptism.  He baptized seven.  I baptized one, my oldest daughter Emily.  A few months back she trusted Jesus as her Savior.  Just  a few days ago she said she wanted to be baptized.

We also had four people put their faith in Christ.  Not only did we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, we saw four precious souls pass from death unto life.

Our time is winding down before we leave for America.  As I looked out Sunday morning over the congregation, I began to get a little choked up.  I am not usually an emotional person but I began to think about at all that God has done in the last three years at Living Water Baptist Church.  We have had our struggles and problems but God has been so God to us.  To think about what God has done is absolutely amazing.  I am really having a hard time leaving our church family.  I know that it is necessary but it isn’t easy.

Pastor Konate Baptizing

Emily Shumaker being baptized

Double marriage

Monday, April 5th, 2010

I have been so busy getting ready to leave Burkina Faso that I haven’t had much time to give an update.  It isn’t because God isn’t working, because He is.

On Saturday, March 27th, we had a double marriage at Living Water Baptist Church.  No I didn’t perform a polygamist marriage but two of our young pastors found good wives and got married.

If you have been reading this blog for anytime then you know about Salif.  He was my Muslim night guard in the Ivory Coast, who got saved, and God changed his life.  His earthly father called him to be an Imam, but His Heavenly Father called him to preach the Gospel.  He has been with us since we came to Africa.  He is one of our family.  He came to me a few months back and said that he knew it was time to get married.  I never thought this day would come.  He felt it was the will of God to marry Mamata.  She has been with us for about 5 years now.   She has been a great blessing to our family.  She was saved from a Muslim family also.  Her family fought the marriage at times and many of them wouldn’t come to the marriage but we had an amazing time.

The other couple that God joined together was Talibala.  He is leading the first church that we started here in Burkina Faso.  He married a young lady named Pascaline.  The wedding was beautiful.  It is truly exciting to see two of your sons in the faith getting married.

I have been amazed at how they treat their wives.  The older people refuse to change but God is changing our young married couples.  Many times you don’t even know who is married.  They don’t sit together.  They don’t hold hands.  They show no affection.  I never thought this would change but God is doing a miracle.  The young couples sit together, pray together at the alter, show affection one to another.  It is really and amazing thing.   Here are some pictures of this wonderful day.

The picture below is from the marriage before the government.

Salifs Wedding

 Salifs Wedding

 Salifs Wedding

 Talibalas Wedding

 Talibalas Wedding

Talibas gouvernmental marriage

Sunday, March 14th, 2010

Talibala has been a member or our church since 2006.  He has been training with me since 2007.  He is a very good young man and is leading our church on the outskirts of town, called Tingandogo. 


Marriage is a very complex thing here.  There are three marriages.  Custom, government, and church wedding.  The people don’t count it as a marriage if you don’t do the customary thing. (A customary ceremony is usually held in the village where the bride’s family is from.)  The government doesn’t accept a custom marriage or a church wedding so a legal marriage ceremony is held at the mayor’s office.  After both of these steps are complete, we hold a church wedding for our members, making it a three-step process.


Last Saturday, I went with Talibala and his fiancée Pascaline to do their government marriage.  It really is a neat thing.  Usually the mayor or his assistant performs the wedding.  They ask them to choose between a monogamous marriage or a polygamous marriage and to say whether they want to share their goods or keep everything separate.  They chose a monogamous marriage and agreed to share all goods so the laws for this type of marriage were clearly explained. Then they do vows and sign papers, and they are finished.  I was excited to see how Talibala was treating Pascaline.  He treated her with respect and with honor, which is not normal in this culture.  God is really beginning to create a new culture in our churches.  It is exciting.


 Talibala and Pascaline getting officially married at the Mayors office.






Women’s Day

Thursday, March 11th, 2010

Monday was a national holiday in Burkina Faso.  Each year on March the 8th it is Women’s Day.  The former president advocated this holiday many years ago to honor the woman.  Unfortunately women here have been treated very badly in the past and even though it is better there are many sad situations.  The former president said that no woman can clean or work on this day.  Their husbands must go to the market and prepare the food.  While many husbands don’t do this, some do.


I decided that it would be good to get the husbands of the church together to do a special meal.  We had 8 men come together to cook for our wives and also the widows of the church.  We made fried rice and fries.  The rice was a little mushy, but it tasted good.  What a blessing to see God begin to change many husbands in our church.


 Lately I have been seeing men be more affectionate to their wives and even sit with their wives at church.  Yes, it is extremely common for husbands and wives to sit separately at church.  I didn’t think we would ever win this battle but God is changing hearts.  He is good.


Men cooking 2

 Men cooking 2


 Men cooking 3



Celebration day — 3rd year anniversary

Friday, February 19th, 2010

We recently celebrated our third anniversary at Living Water Baptist Church.  I was so proud of our people.  They worked so hard.  The ladies worked all day Saturday preparing the food, and Sunday they came early to finish it.  Our young people worked on a skit about sin that was absolutely wonderful.  God has given us some of the hardest working people I know, and they love serving God.  I told our church people that I believe that God looked down from Heaven and smiled at the way they worked.  I am a proud pastor.

God blessed our efforts.  We had over 100 adults and over 150 kids.  We had close to 50 first time visitors.  There were 5 professions of faith with the adults, and 26 children made professions of faith.  God worked in tremendous ways.  It is amazing how God is bringing His church together.  I am excited and thrilled about the future.  He has already blessed, and I can’t wait to see what He is going to do next.

Living Water Baptist Church

Children at celebration day

Vistors at celebration day

Family conference finished

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010

I never posted this article on our family conference.  Here it is a few days late:

On Monday night, we finished up our family conference.  God blessed in tremendous ways.  Pastor Austin Gardner preached and did a wonderful job.   He  talked about men mistreating their wives.  At the end of the service, we had three African couples come down and pray together.  This doesn’t sound like a whole lot to most but when you have never had it happen once before this week, three in one service is a lot.

At the very end of the service, a man stood up and asked for prayer and forgiveness.  He told us that he has recently hit his wife (unfortunately this happens all the time here).  He said that he did wrong and that they were heading for divorce.  This man told me this morning that they ate breakfast yesterday and today together.  He told me they haven’t done that is a very long time.  He said that they are talking again.

5th anniversary

Saturday, January 30th, 2010

No it isn’t the fifth anniversary of my wife and I .  We are actually heading to our tenth.  In 2005, we started Fundamental Baptist Church of Tingandogo.  This month is our fifth anniversary so we decided to place the tent and have a special service.  Tonight we had an evangelistic campaign.  We had over 400 present.  People were standing outside our tent.  What was really exciting is that I got to preach to many unsaved people and we had four people make professions of faith.

Pray for us tommorrow.  We expect a big crowd and I really want to see more saved.

The good life of Burkina Faso

Thursday, January 28th, 2010

I wanted to show you a Burkina Faso Coca-cola truck.

Burkina Faso Coca-Cola truck

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    Rome Baptist Temple
    P.O. Box 1023
    Rome, GA 30162
    Pastor: Dr. Billy Goolesby
    Phone: (706)232-8969

    06 BP 9460 Ouagadougou 06
    Burkina Faso
    Phone: (706)534-8965

    Macedonia World Baptist Missions Inc.
    P. O. Box 519
    Braselton, GA 30517

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