April 8th, 2012
The Fundamental Baptist Church of Tingandogo was the first church that the Lord allowed us to plant in Burkina Faso. The church was started in January 2005. They were in need of a bigger church building. So while I was on furlough we prayed that God would allow us to raise some money to help them build a new church building. God put a burden on Calvary Baptist Church (Trenton, GA) where Bro. Billy Wallace is the pastor. They were attempting to raise around $5,000 and God allowed them to raise more ($7,144).
We were planning building a much smaller building and had already dug the foundation. After Calvary BC decided to help, we decided to build a much bigger building. Pastor Tali said, “we dug a foundation for a much smaller building and God gave us so much more”. Thank you, Calvary Baptist Church.
About 9 months after starting the construction process, we are holding our first services in the church building. The church building is beautiful and God is using it for His glory. We had services last Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday morning. God blessed with many new visitors over these three days.

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April 4th, 2012
Salif came back with great news on the MP3 discipleship. He told me that they had 5 new visitors because of people listening to the teachings in their courtyard. One old man that has never came to our church (probably doesn’t want to go against old tribal customs) told Salif that he listened to the different teachings. Also those who are already believers commented that they liked learning and growing. Great results just after a week. I can’t wait to see what God will do in the future with this ministry.
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April 4th, 2012
A week and a half ago was our test run for our audio discipleship program. I am truly excited to see what God is going to do with it. We have bought some solar powered MP3 players. Salif took three of these machines. There are studies that are loaded on each player. Each study starts with two songs, two chapters of the Bible and one teaching. Salif will visit with the group that listened to them and ask them questions to see if they understood the teaching or not. He will be able to go into more detail with them about the particular subject matter addressed in the lesson. Then, he will take back the MP3 player (which is labeled one) and give them a new one (which is labeled 2 and contains a new lesson.) After the group listens to the second MP3 lesson, he can give them a third and so on. As one group finishes MP3 player 1 and is ready for MP3 player 2, Salif can pass MP3 player 1 onto a new group so that several groups are learning from the lessons each week.
The beauty of this set up is that they can hear the Word of God each day. Each one of these players has a built-in speaker. Believers from each group of houses can gather to listen to the study each day. We are certain that this will be a great evangelistic tool also. As the believers listen, others from their courtyard will listen also. Many people who won’t come to church will listen. Their houses/huts are grouped together around an open yard, and much of their lives are spent together congregated in this open area. When one has something electronic to listen to, especially in a village setting, it attracts the interest of those that are around them. This should bring great fruit as believers grow in their faith, and the unsaved hear the gospel.
I tried to find a good picture of the African village courtyard but this is the only one that is decent. All those huts are in one courtyard.

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April 2nd, 2012
There is a major problem with literacy in Burkina Faso. Actually, we are the lowest in the world at a little over 20%. This does create a major obstacle for the church in their responsibility to disciple their believers. When a person can’t read the Bible, how can they be active in the Word? Does this mean that God doesn’t want them to grow, hear, or read the Word of God each day? I don’t believe that the job of discipleship was given only to those who could read. I would imagine that many people wouldn’t have been able to read and most would not be able to write in Jesus’ day. We are to Go (win souls), baptize and disciple. I don’t read an exemption clause in Matt. 28:19-20.
We have been trying to develop a very effective discipleship program at Water of Life Baptist Church over the past few years. I believe that it can be improved, and we are working at it. Currently we have 12 people that are doing discipleship with at least one other person during the week. Some are doing it with 4 or 5. The struggle we have is with those who don’t read or write. Every Sunday after the morning service, we do have 2 ladies who meet with 4-5 others that do not read for discipleship, but the ladies in the group still cannot read their Bibles on a daily basis. A few people at Water of Life Baptist Church are illiterate, but in the village it is virtually everybody.
I don’t think that a lack of literacy should keep somebody from growing in their relationship with Christ so we have come up with a plan so that all can be discipled. I will talk about it in the next blog.
The greatest hindrance in my opinion to discipleship in 2012 isn’t a lack of being able to read or write, but a lack of mature Christians that are willing to devote their lives to another. People are too busy and many times too selfish. Discipleship is just life on life. Loving Jesus with all your heart and letting somebody learn how to love Jesus.
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March 28th, 2012
Just realized that I gave an update on facebook and by e-mail but not on my blog about the final judgement of my court case. By God’s grace the judges ruled in my favor and all the charges were dropped. Thanks for your prayers.
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March 7th, 2012
We have been greatly blessed since January with visitors. We currently have Pete Knickerbocker and his son Mark with us. I met Bro. Pete many years ago at my home church Rome Baptist Temple. I was saved for about a year and was in my second year of college. God had been dealing with me about giving my life. I wanted so badly to give Him my life, but I didn’t want to preach. I thought I couldn’t. I battled it for a few months. I told God I can’t talk in front of people, but God kept telling me that all He wants is my life. In 1996, when Bro. Pete preached, he challenged us to give our lives. He asked, “What’s holding you back from serving God?” I was holding myself back. I doubted that I could do it, but the real problem is that I doubted God could use my life. That night I told the Lord, “My life is yours.” He called me to preach that night.
While in France we stayed with Bro. Pete and his family on multiple occasions. We truly enjoyed our time with them. In 2008, Bro. Pete’s oldest son, Stephen, came to visit us here in Burkina Faso for a month. Stephen was unique in that he could speak French and English perfectly because of being a missionary kid. Stephen was a great blessing to us and is getting ready to begin deputation to come and work with us in Burkina Faso.
I will write another post soon on what God is doing while Bro. Pete is here but I wanted to ask you the same question that Bro. Pete asked me in 1996, “What is holding you back from serving God?” How many of us can truly say that we are giving our all? 15 years ago, I didn’t think that the God of Heaven could use my life. Let me brag on God for a minute because I know that Keith Shumaker hasn’t done anything. God has done amazing things through me since that night back in 1996 when He called me to preach. I have had the privilege to see churches started from nothing, lives that have been changed from sin, watched men who love their wives and children even though their father didn’t, seen many Muslims accept Jesus as their Saviour, watch men give their lives to become preachers, etc. That is a lot for somebody who thought he could do nothing. God is good. He is amazing and wonderful. He can use your life. What is holding you back? I don’t regret giving God my life back in 1996.
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February 28th, 2012
Thanks so much for your prayers today. This really went well today for us. My accusers attorney ended up walking out at the very end. He got frustrated, I suppose he knew he couldn’t win. The judgement wasn’t given. It will be announced in two weeks. What was said in the end by the judges was definitely in my favor. So it seems that I should win in a few weeks. Thanks again for your prayers.
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February 26th, 2012
Bro. John Pearson and his wife Sandy and Bro. David Lundy and his wife Anne were with us during the last week. Their visit was wonderful and God blessed in many ways. Neither one of them are pastors, but they are both driven men of God that have a passion to spread the Gospel to the whole world.
I was amazed at what Bro. John and Bro. David do in their local church. Bro. John is one of the busiest men that I know but that never hinders him from doing the work of God. He teaches in the Bible College each week at Vision Baptist Church, teaches Sunday school, does discipleship with two couples at different times during the week, never misses a service, teaches in a Spanish ministry in Spanish (yes he learned Spanish), does discipleship also in Spanish, etc. (I probably forgot something). That is what he does besides his 12 hour a day work. He taught in the churches while being here and also taught our pastors. It was wonderful.
Bro. David Lundy is also a great man of God. He is extremely faithful in his church. He has been a vital key in helping his church grow and advance. He teaches, does discipleship, and is helping his church start up their Sunday School program. He has been a great friend to me and this ministry. He prays for me and for the other Burkinabé pastors each day. He calls and writes often. He is truly an encouragement to me and the ministry here in Burkina Faso.
Thanks Bro. John and Mrs. Sandy for your love, kindness and example. You were and are a great blessing to us and to the Burkinabé.
Thanks Bro. David and Mrs. Anne for your encouragement, love, and desire to be used of God. You helped greatly this past week.
You don’t have to be a pastor to be used of God. These two men are doing more than many pastors I know in getting the Gospel to their community and around the world. You don’t have to be a pastor to visit a missionary and be used of God.
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February 26th, 2012
This Tuesday (28th) I will be going back to court. Please pray that the truth will win.
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February 17th, 2012
I truly want to thank you all for your prayers about my court date. My lawyer decided to ask for an extension so that he could see what is in the file. I will go back on the 28th. Thanks again and your prayers are much appreciated and needed.
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