Womans day at Roungou
Each year, Burkina Faso has a special day called, “journee de la femme” or woman’s day. It was created many years ago to try to help with the mistreatment of women. Women for years have been treated in Burkina Faso and much of Africa and actually much of the world like servants or almost like slaves. We have seen a great change in the faithful people in our churches. They really haven’t changed because of the government’s efforts but because of their salvation and the Word of God.
The struggle is even greater in the village. Forced marriage is normal. Polygamy is normal. The woman is called a wife but she really is a servant in most cases. There is no real love between the man and his wife/wives. Salif told me last month that he wanted to hold a special day to honor the women at Roungou, where our village church is. I thought it was a great idea. The church is full of children, woman, teenage/young men but not really many older men. In many cases, these men love us, but they love their tradition more than God.
Here are a few pictures that they sent me from their special day:
I guess that you can tell that they have become good baptists. They love to eat at church.
January 2nd, 2011 at 6:42 pm
“Good Baptists, heh-heh. I like that!”