The Card guys!
All over Ouagadougou, there are young men that stand beside the road holding a stick in their hand, with several cards attached. They go from car to car hoping to sell cell phone cards. Most cell phones are prepaid. You buy the card and charge the phone before using it. You can also buy the cards in the stores, but I like to help the young guy trying to make a little bit by working instead of begging. At a corner near our house, I am always hounded by about four or five of them trying to be the first to my window.
Last Saturday, I was coming back from evangelization at one of our works, and the rain started a little. When I turned the corner off the main road I saw one of the young men sitting under a grass hanger. I was with my son, Isaac. So Isaac and I went and sat under the hanger and bought two cokes. I split the drinks between Isaac, the card guy(Jean), an older man and me. I witnessed to them and to many others that came in from the rain. I then invited Jean to come to church with me and told him to invite the others to come. I was excited when three of them showed up on Sunday morning. The didn’t make any professions but we are praying that God will do something great in their lives.
August 30th, 2007 at 11:52 am
That goes to show you, it is more than a coke and a smile. I remember those guys selling the cards and it is very competitive. I’m so glad you stopped and took the time to be with them. That made the difference, whether you had a coke or not. I know they liked the fellowship, knowing that some one cares for them. Great job.