So Proud of our Youth
Friday, May 2nd, 2014A few weeks back was spring break for our students. Pastor Justin, my co-pastor at Living Water Baptist Church, planned a very special week for them, and they finished their week by having a special service Sunday morning.
On Monday: They were encouraged to fast and pray from the morning until we met at 5 pm for prayer. There were a total of 18 of us who showed up for prayer, most of them being the youth.
On Tuesday: They spent much of the afternoon making visits to church members. They divided up into different groups and walked to the different houses.
On Wednesday: They went around a certain part of our neighborhood and invited people to an evangelism campaign. I was thrilled to hear one of our young men, Olivier, explain their need of salvation to the crowd. We showed a Gospel film, and then I preached to them. There were more than 300 present. 30 or more came forward and our youth dealt with them about salvation. Praise the Lord for those who made professions of faith.
On Thursday: We played a game of soccer against another church. Nothing spiritual about it, but it was fun.
On Friday: We went to a place called Ziga. It is a man-made lake that provides our city, Ouagadougou, with 80% of its water. We saw the water plant and then had a spiritual retreat next to the lake. We had singing, preaching and of course we played. A total of 36 people were present.
On Sunday: The youth lead most of the service. They sang many specials. I made a short video of the different groups. A young man named David preached a tremendous message from the Word of God.
As I sat back and watched most of the service, I thought about how blessed I am to be here. What if I would have never obeyed the will of God and come here? There have been trying times in our lives and ministry. What if I would have given up or left when the times got difficult? I haven’t done a whole lot. God has done it all. Seven years ago this church was started and God has done great things.