Language problems
One would think that after 6 and half years of speaking another language that you shouldn’t have to many mess ups. I will say that I struggled and I mean struggled to even say a few words in French even after a year but God has been good to me and has allowed me to communicate in another language.
This is not the first time that I have done this but the second. I was preaching and explaining that we need to have a good testimony. I shared with the church that before I gave my life to Jesus, I drank some. After I got saved, I was celebrating New Years Eve with some friends. Of course alcohol was present. That was in 1995. After I started drinking, I felt a pulling at my heart. The Holy Spirit was telling me that I am now a child of God, why was I being a bad testimony. That is the last time that alcohol has touched my lips. Anyhow, I told them that it was 2005 and not 1995. There is a big difference. I have done this twice. Good testimony for the missionary to be drinking after he has already come to Africa in 2002. Speaking in another language can be very interesting.